CyberPT was created and designed by Fitness Specialist Glyn Amos. Its purpose is to deliver a complete online health, fitness and wellness

programme to businesses and organisations.

The aim is to support the ongoing process of helping your employees become fitter and healthier in mind and body, and to educate them in the benefits and qualities of health, fitness and wellness. This is what we can do.


What our clients say about us

Corporal David P - Diabetes and Sleep Apnoea.

When David left school, he went into the Army ‘best thing I ever did, it was a great career, some great times and some lifelong friends’. He rose to the rank of Corporal and then left after 12 years’ service ‘I should have stayed in but you always wonder what would happen if you were in civie-street’. David joined the Police and eventually became an Inspector.

However later David developed type 2 diabetes and sleep apnoea. 

‘I was desk bound and my weight went up to over 20 stone. It’s amazing how quickly you put on weight when you stop being as active. I realised that I had to do something about it, burying your head in the sand and hope it would go away has never been something I’ve done. The weight was particularly noticeable when we were going on holiday and I struggled to fasten the seat belt on the plane, which was so embarrassing’.

David contacted Glyn Amos Personal Trainer. Glyn assessed David’s level of fitness and prescribed an introductory cardio exercise programme and a low sugar calorie-controlled diet to help him begin to get fitter and lose some weight and control his diabetes. 

‘I was given a steady but progressive exercise programme to lose weight using the range of cardio machines in the gym. It’s so easy to use things like the rowers, bikes, cross trainers and the other equipment. Of course in the gym you are not fighting the cold weather, it doesn’t rain and there’s no wind or dark cold nights. The environment is constant and always inviting so it makes exercise more accessible and enjoyable’.

After several weeks David was delighted with his progress: ‘I generally feel much better and have much more energy to cope with work and my young Granddaughter which is great fun but demanding. On the weight side I have lost 1stone 2 pounds in eight weeks. My aim now is to get down to 14 stones and with Glyn’s help I’m confident that I can do that’.

Heart problem? What heart problem?

Outgoing Helen H had a promising career as a medical secretary. Then on an annual routine works medical she was diagnosed with a severe heart condition. Helen was in her late 40s. She was referred to an Exercise on Prescription Scheme, but after several visits she found no benefit. 

She came to see Glyn Amos Personal Trainer, for an initial consultation. 

‘Glyn talked a lot of sense, and I knew if I followed his advice things would get better. I started with a light exercise plan two sessions a week. Initially light cardio with very light weights.’

Helen’s progress was carefully monitored, and as she improved the intensity of the cardio work and the reps and range of resistance training also increased. Helen moved from ‘severe’ to a ‘moderate’ heart condition and eventually to a ‘mild’ heart condition diagnosis. 

Her medical team and work colleagues were delighted with the progress, so was she.

Almost a call of ‘heart issue…what heart issue’. She said.

Gentle progressive exercise with lots of consultation taken at a steady but progressive state got her to a place she never thought she would ever get to again. Back to her bubbly self, Helen feels much fitter, has lost weight and gained so much confidence. Back to work with new energy and vitality.

Fitter at work now Gary’s blood pressure dropped by regular exercise

Security supervisory Gary was escorting a patient for a health check. This included blood pressure and cholesterol amongst other things. Gary thought. ‘I’ll have some of that because you never know until you get checked out what’s going on’. 

Gary went ahead with the health check and got a big shock. His Cholesterol was at 7 and his blood pressure was 165/90 much too high at 47 years of age. Gary was given statins to help control his cholesterol and some medication for his high blood pressure. 

‘After two weeks my BP had dropped a little but not much. What concerned me were the side effects of the treatment. Every two weeks you have to have blood tests to make certain that the toxic effect of the blood pressure tablets are not weakening your liver and kidneys. I thought, ok my blood pressure may come down, but what about the damage it may cause to some of my internal organs.’

Gary messaged Glyn Amos and asked for help.

‘Glyn told me he’d worked with many others in a similar situation to mine and that if I stuck to a regular exercise programme and healthy eating action plan this could help bring down my blood pressure and would help me feel better about myself, more confidence that sort of thing.’ 

After 8 weeks of regular exercise and some an 80% diet control Gary’s blood pressure dropped by 20 points to 143/90. 

‘The doctor can’t believe it, it’s great. I feel loads better and have much more energy. I work crazy hours and find sleeping difficult because of the irregularity of my shifts. Now I sleep like a baby. Honestly, I cannot recommend seeing someone like Glyn enough. At work I had to chase a burglar up some stairs and was surprised how out of breath I was. That doesn’t bother me so much now, I feel so much fitter’.

How Phil beat heart disease

Phil S is a store man at a plant hire company. A keen road runner, Phil’s running career peaked when he ran the London Marathon in just under 4 hours. However, during one training Phil had a persistent cough and cold which was hampering his progress. Making an appointment at the doctors for some antibiotics he was given the staggering news that he had a heart problem. This was to be a major turning point in his life. 

A few months after completing the London Marathon he went to the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne for major surgery and months off work.

‘I knew something wasn’t right but didn’t expect the doctors to say, ‘you do realise there is a chance you may not come out of this?’ I was terrified! The next thing I knew I was waking up in Intensive Care. I was told I could go home if I could manage to climb the 3 flights of stairs outside of the ward – it took me a week’.

Phil left hospital and did not run again for 10 years. He was frightened to exercise in case the heart problem reoccurred.

‘You know I could have been out running then BANG no more me’! ‘I became a couch-potato; I ballooned to over 18 stones. Mates at work started to call me fat boy, their comments never bothered me I thought it was just ‘shop floor’ banter. Then whilst out playing golf with my dad he turned to me and said ‘you’re going to have to get rid of that gut!’ Dad saying that to me was like being hit by a brick. Was I really that fat and unfit? Did I really have that much of a beer belly? Well, the truth is yes, but I had chosen to ignore it and hide behind my heart problem.’

‘My diet was all over the place; I was comfort drinking every night and eating ready meals packed full of fats and calories and God knows what else. I was eating 2-3 huge bars of chocolate a week and was in danger of becoming addicted to them! I was having mood swings most days and feeling low and depressed, basically I was a mess. My Dads comment was my wakeup call and things had to change.’

‘I decided to get some expert advice and booked to see Glyn Amos a fitness expert who came highly recommended by some friends of mine. I was determined to get fit and lose weight. Glyn listened and understood where I was coming from, and he certainly knows his stuff. I went on 3 x 8-week exercise and diet programme; Glyn calls it Lifestyle Change. In no time at all I lost over a stone and could see the difference in body shape. Now I exercise 3-4 times a week. Glyn changed my diet totally for the better and I have cut the drinking out (well almost).’

‘If I’m honest yes sometimes I must push myself to go exercise, but I get such a buzz from the exercise I feel great afterwards. If I could bottle the BUZZ, I would make a fortune! Gone are the days when my doctor pats my beer belly and just looks at me! Although he didn’t say `you fat b ******, he did say my heart would thank me if I lost some weight! ‘

Rocket Ron recovers from a stroke at work and is now back at work

Robert AG known as Ron was born just outside Glasgow, 59 years ago. Ron’s great passion was motorbikes and at one time was team manager for the BRG Endurance racing team. However, Ron developed a stroke while at work and was taken to North Tees Hospital where he spent ten days. He had suffered from a progressive stroke, 

‘The type that takes 48 hours to reach its full impact,’ said Ron. 

By this point his blood pressure was alarmingly high and his speech was almost inaudible and his balance uneasy. 

‘I was determined to remain positive and beat it. I started to learn to write with my left hand so I could get back to work as soon as possible. I would walk up and down the ward every day. After 10 days the doctors could see a difference and sent me home.’. 

Ron’s nephew told him to seek expert fitness advice, so he booked a consultation with Glyn Amos.

‘I was so impressed with Glyn’s enthusiasm and commitment to get me fit and well, I knew I was in good hands and decided to give it a go.’ 

Six months later Ron was working out for an hour four times every week. He was back at work ‘I feel like I’m doing something productive and useful again’ he said.

Exercise is now part of Rons life. ‘I do both resistance work, that’s pushing weights, and cardio where I bike and use the cross trainer, and I’m on my fourth exercise plan devised by Glyn. I feel fantastic and much fitter than I have been for years. My mobility which I lost due to the stroke is better than I thought it would ever be. Glyn showed a real positive interest in me’

Teacher Norma recovers from post-natal depression loses weight and feels positive.

Teacher Norma F was looking forwards to the birth of her first child.

“My husband and I were so excited, but when I gave birth, it hit me. For some reason it didn’t feel as great as I thought it would. I had put on 5 stone and felt depressed. In front of me was this crying baby dependant on me and I wasn’t sure that I wanted that responsibility. The last thing on my mind was getting back to work”. 

Norma was suffering from postnatal depression and was prescribed a course of drugs to deal with it.

“The drugs made me feel numb. I was prescribed a second set and they made me feel as depressed, so I stopped taking them. I couldn’t be bothered, and I had mood swings. I was depressed and couldn’t see a way out of it. On top of that my relationship was starting to suffer’.

After yo-yoing with her diet Norma decided to get advice and went to see Glyn Amos.

“Glyn recommended a series of light cardio exercises starting with speed walking. I quickly realised that exercise could help with both my weight and mental health. Glyn also devised a healthy eating action plan (as he likes to call it), particularly reducing my sugar intake. I really went for it and literally decided that enough was enough and through all the junk (food) out of my house and went on Glyn’s Healthy Eating Action Plan. I also increased the amount of exercise I was doing.’

‘In 8 weeks I lost over a stone. Just as important I was feeling better than I had for ages. I was doing something right and decided to carry on.’


Norma recently finished the Race for Life and the Great North Run and has lost over 5 stone, but her greatest battle was with depression. 

‘Exercise, nutrition, and the right support is the answer, and far better that any drugs available, but you must make the effort. Seeking the support of an expert like Glyn was the answer for me. My friends now say you are so confident. I go out fighting tooth and nail. Before I would be happy to shrink into the corner and let others do the talking. I am much, much happier now with renewed confidence.’ 

‘If I have a message for women like me who are overweight and with depression it is get some advice on exercise and healthy eating, as Glyn calls it an effective lifestyle change.

Asthma made Trevor lose time at work

Trevor C lives in the industrial northeast and has suffered from asthma and breathing issues all his life. 

“I can’t ever remember not having asthma, right from being a kid at primary school, it affected just about everything I did. I’d had much too much time off work and that really bothered me. I had several performance development interviews at work and all mostly focused on the amount of down time I had.” 

His GP suggested that he tried exercise, “give it a go it may help” he told him. Trevor went to see Glyn Amos for some advice.

“I decided to take his advice and consulted with a professional fitness expert, after all I’d tried just about everything else. I was drained with continuous doctor’s appointments and taking various forms of medication. There had to be another answer.” 

Trevor talked through his issues with Glyn and was put on a 16-week light cardio/resistance programme to improve his cardiorespiratory function; this was supplemented with some light muscular endurance work and an abdominal exercise programme to increase core strength Glyn met with Terry on a weekly basis to monitor both his progress and to check for any adverse signs. As a chronic asthmatic Trevor entered his exercise plan with caution, understanding that the targets agreed and set with Glyn were there to be respected even if that meant at times an easier than anticipated workout session. 

After a month Trevor had noticed a difference

“I was surprised by the amount of cardio training I could do even after just four weeks, my breathing was much better, and I was getting much fitter. I asked myself why didn’t I do this years ago? By gradually building up my fitness over several months using cardiovascular training designed by Glyn my asthma is now non-existent. After 6-months I can really hammer it on the treadmill, and I don’t suffer any of the asthma symptoms I used to. I no longer take time off work and have been recently promoted”. 

‘My message is, if you have breathing problems, you can make them better with the right support and guidance.’

Maxine R

‘Almost for as long as I can remember I have had issues with breathing. Going upstairs would be hard work and at the top I would be struggling to catch my breath. Any movement that involved breathing deeply was difficult. What worried me most was that it wasn’t getting easier, no matter what I did.’

‘For over twenty years I have been referred to a lung specialist at North Tees Hospital During this time I have been prescribed a plethora of tablets, breathing sprays and steroids to help with the breathing, its side effects, and associated illnesses. I have been on constant medication for years. It had become a way of life’.

‘I have had pneumonia six times. The last time I really thought I would not recover. I was very ill and my breathing difficult and stressed. Until you have laid on a hospital bed trying to breathe do you realise just how poorly you really are and frightened you may never recover from it.’

‘Every time I had a cold or a flu bug it would end up making my lung desperately poorly and weak.’

‘I suggested that I should try walking with my husband, Andrew, but soon fell back behind what seemed a fast pace but was just a steady walk. I couldn’t cope and stopped altogether, I even stopped walking Macey our little dog, which made me very sad.’

 ‘I felt like an old person trapped in a younger person’s body, decades older than I was. Being self-employed I couldn’t take time off if you don’t work you don’t get paid. 

I would work all day cooking in my café, I had to no choice. When I finished, I couldn’t wait to get home, absolutely shattered, then at home it would be a battle to breathe. I was in despair, was the rest of my life really going to be like this, I wondered.’

‘One Saturday afternoon I bumped into a very good friend of mine. I had not seen him for a while and the last time I had seen him, he looked heavy, laboured, and growing old too quickly. My friend John is one of life’s positive individuals always seeing the best in people.

A businessman, with an intelligent outlook; able to see through problems and come up with solutions and options. A friend indeed.’

‘I couldn’t believe it, John looked so well, happy, and very toned up, he was like a new man. ‘What have you been up to I asked him’? John explained he had seen a Facebook advert for Personal Training with a man called Glyn Amos who he had met years before during a business transaction. John had contacted Glyn and was persuaded to book a couple of sample Personal Training sessions.’

‘John said to begin with he found it very tough and struggled to complete five hundred meters on a rowing machine. Six months later he could do five thousand metres and see’s Glyn three times a week and rarely misses. He said “I love it, it’s now part of my weekly programme, three sessions with Glyn. I feel great, I’m fitter, more mobile, and my circulation is perfect. The doctor is delighted with me.’

‘I explained to John I was feeling very low. He said why not give Personal Training a try, Glyn’s great, not only will you like (eventually) the exercise, but it gets you out of the house and gives you a new positive hobby.’

‘John spoke to Glyn and agreed to take me to meet him in his private PT Studio. Glyn made me feel relaxed and comfortable. ‘Try it for a few weeks. We can start nice and steady and build up your cardio fitness and strength. After all what have you got to lose’ Glyn said.

‘I thought he’s right I’ve tried everything else and look what it’s done for John. So, I decided to try a few weeks of Personal Training with Glyn.’

‘Glyn put me at ease on the first session. To be honest, afterwards, I ached for a few days, but a good ache and purposeful ache. I loved it. I felt I was doing something positive and something that might help me cope more with my breathing.’

‘I will always remember Glyn told me “Get fit, live longer". 

I booked in for two sessions a week. With full support from Andrew, I thought ‘this is my time, I’m doing something for me’. ‘Usually, my life is centred on family putting them first. For once this was just for me. I need to take care of my physical and mental health.’

‘Several months on and I can hear his voice in my ear pushing me to do my best. I’m also walking again and this time keeping up with Andrew and Macey.’

‘During my next consultation at the hospital my consultant discharged me. He was amazed at my peak flow output and my lunge strength. He recommended continuing with Personal Training, ‘more of the same’ he said ‘

‘This is the longest I have gone without being on steroids, my lungs are never going to be 100% but I am stronger, mentally, and physically. Now I can see a positive future.’

‘I could truly cry with happiness’

"Get fit, live longer"

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07376 487 938